international Women’s Day 2024

It Finally Happened


According to the World Economic Forum, it will take at least another 131 years to close the gender gap. Never mind what it might take to see true equity at the CEO or leadership level. 

There are grumbles from the far corners of the internet (and maybe from a boomer uncle at your Christmas dinner) that seem quite worried that the world will end if we reach that gender parity. That equal pay, women’s rights, equity, a seat at the table, body autonomy… is all a ploy to take away rights from men. To take over and live in a post-man world of woke, liberal, Barbie loving feminists. Blah blah blah. 
We know that’s not true. 

So rather than wallow in the idea that those internet folks are right, we decided to poke a little fun, not take ourselves too seriously and create some content that cuts through the endless noise of negativity. We hope you see the humour in this spot. We hope you’re able to chuckle and remember that we are making progress, it’s slow, but we’re getting there. 

And the next time your uncle starts a sentence with “So I ‘seen this thing on the internet…” get up, turn on K.D. Lang and crank the volume until he stops talking. 

With love, 

Amy + Colleen 

To download a copy of this video click here.